Tax Lien Removal
Tax Lien Removal
When you fail to pay a tax debt, the government can file federal taxes liens against your property. The interest in all of your assets are protected by these liens including real estate and personal properties.
A tax lien is filed when an individual fails to meet their obligation with the IRS or has outstanding balances on unpaid accounts.
If you can't afford to pay your taxes in one go, Credit Repair of Las Vegas will help by negotiating with the IRS and send a bill for what is owed.
Beginning in July, public record data gathered for credit reporting purposes.
The tax lien deadline is approaching, and you've been getting reminders from the IRS every month. You have to go back into court for any new filings that may come up so as not to miss out on a public record of your financial status.
The upcoming changes coming from our department should have a substantial effect on how employees are reporting data, and they'll finally be able to get an idea of what's happening around them throughout the day.